Blogs Img Date

I went to the cool part of town where all the small businesses are situated.
It was nice. I was unable to purchase more records much to my dismay.

October 2nd 2024
My web is upseting. I need to fix it. I need it to look better.

September 30, 2024

I listened to Bikes and Bonfires
as I got home from work. The stuff she
describes dose sound fun. I wish I would
join a protest. That sounds good.

September 15, 2024

I miss the guys I used to Know from high school.
I bet they haven't changed much. Even if I only knew them a little bit
I still miss them. Everyday I think about them. It's never ending.
I hope I can move on eventually. that sounds like it would be nice

Despite never wanting to leave the past I need to move on to the Future.
I need to get back to college work. it's going to be fun though I just need
to make a presentation on anime OMVs so I can't complain too much.

September 3, 2024

I went out to eat with my cousin today.
We got sushi and a good time.

I'm looking at this website thinking goddamn,
I took the time to code all this. That looks badass.
I think it's been awhile since I did any
code any stuff, too long

September 2, 2024

I took the time to play the drums on rock band today
and notice muscles f0rming on my upper arm.
They look kind of bad ass.
I wish internally I felt bad ass.

July 13, 2024

I'm going to try and put youtbe on hold for mayby year.
It got to point were I get nothing out of it and I'm
uncomfortable spending all my time on it.

June 28, 2024

I cleaned out my dad's toolbox.
Not much else I did.

Oh,and my friend started a cult to support him
on discore today. He says it's for his mental health.
It's also for his ego. but that was never said out loud.

June 25, 2024

I read alot of comics today.
I did not do a lot more.

I did however have a dream of interest.
Where my dad was chasing me through parking lots
and grocery stores with his co-workers ganging up on me to get a job.
Running from them, eventually I got into a forest taking a path
trought by deers but never humen. I was trying to make my way back to our
house so I can bike off to my friend's domain till this whole
thing with my dad blow over. They had almost caught up with me when I woke up.

June 21, 2024

I want to seven different stores with my sister and my dad.
None of them weren't all too interesting.
The foods were nice. The products were nice I suppose.
But nothing truly interesting.

There was a guy I used to work with that one of these uninteresting store.
Who said I was very creative. That meant something to me.
I could barely recollect him.
It was kind of sad because he seemed to remember me pretty well.

June 15, 2024

Today was pretty good. I went to see a shrink to help with my mental state.
I got motorcycle helmet, for my oncoming motor scooter.
All and all not not bad in the slight.

On the way to receive my motorcycle head garment,
my dad argued that it was better to get good
at a language I already am proficient in speaking and writing,
then to learn something new.
Then to learn a new language. It erected me slightly.
Although, I really shouldn't care.

June 12, 2024

I wish to don the paint and make sounds, pleasing to the ear.
my gender is music [🎶]. Bcause Andrew Hussie is cool!
The clown comic is cool, vary cool.
And I want to piss off my friends with clown gender theory.

Two of them are fairly easy to piss off.
It's always fun to see how they react.
it does lean into sociopathic mean this at points.
I do hold somewhat of a belief that
it's their fault for being so fun to annoy.
They are the type of people to believe themselves
to be the main character of everything and anything.

I do have other friend groups I'm a part of
or linger around. or, specific people I like to be
with, not too affiliated with a group.
but none of those people entertain me half as much.
they're good and I like them but they're just not "entertaining"
people in the same way.

Well, a good few hours have passed since I updated my blog.
There is nothing more I would like to do.
so here I am.

I did speak to my cousin in the short time I was gone.
we agreed I that I spend too much time online,
and should go outside so I did.
she also told me about how much she likes my hero.
and then idle game shoes downloaded
She said it was a good game.
I told her that's an oxymoron.
That idle game and good don't go together.
It literally has the word Idol in the name.
To tell you you do absolute Jack.

June 11, 2024

Today was pretty fun. I just acquired more Pokemon cards.
Here's a picture of my collection.
My sister was there. She's cool.
she's done a better job keeping up with Pokemon
than I have.

I was also just thinking about the game you may Nikki a lot today.
I have never played it but weird RPG Maker games are right up my alley,
considering I've made a few.

may 28, 2024

Today is a drag.
I think my dreams have got to be really boring. They used to be so fun.
Every inch was brimming with Adventure. Now they practically look like real life.

May 24, 2024

Something's missing. But if you pressured me to tell you I couldn't say.
Not because I don't want to, it's just a feeling I can understand.

May 23, 2024

I went to an artist meet up today. It was painful.
All the same people talked, and said all the same things.
I wish things would feel new again.

May 21, 2024

Nothing fun, or remark happened today. I insulted a friend. I didn't mean to.
I only realized that I said something would take offense to you later inthe day.

March 22, 2024